As we welcome in the new year and resolve to continue our successful growth in the South Florida real estate and mortgage market, we have made focusing on social media marketing a priority at my office.

I have found that the key to marketing through social media has been to position myself as THE reliable source for mortgage information to potential and past clients and to the real estate community. It is important to be relevant, current and open in your postings and communication. Many social media experts believe you need to subscribe to the 80/20 rule (80 percent of your updates should provide value for your followers and 20 percent can be self-promotional). In my opinion, if you are providing value, you are promoting. Please don't be afraid to promote yourself along with the benefits and services you provide, people expect this.
Already in the new year I have received inquiries from other mortgage and real estate professionals asking my advice and how it is working for me. If you have not begun social marketing, hopefully you will begin soon. I believe you will find success and a return in your investment in time in a fairly short time. I am always available to help and answer any questions you may have. In future posts, I will expand on my social media marketing efforts along with providing information regarding the mortgage industry.
I am passionate about the mortgage business and love helping families attain home ownership, but in the interest of full disclosure, my husband is a partner in the company Who Can I Hire, Inc. which is the consulting firm that owns